EERA JP e3s is structured in 5 Sub-Programmes (SP), which represent the actual fields for the JP to act, provide relevant feedback, create and maintain networks, and find funding oppotunities.
- SP 1 - Fostering changes in energy consumption: a pathway to demand reduction - Coordinated by Mara Thiene, UNIPD
- SP 2 - Just Transition and Governance of the Energy Transition - Coordinated by Manfred Paier, AIT
- SP 3 - Sustainability of the Energy Transition - Coordinated by Witold - Roger Poganietz, KIT
- SP 4 - Market and business models for Energy Transition - Coordinated by Michael Belsnes, SINTEF Norway
- SP 5 - Transition pathway modelling - Coordinated by Asgeir Tomasgard, NTNU