
JP e3s organizes scientific conferences and thematic workshops (open to the broader public or to its members only) to discuss about the most crucial topics related to the clean energy transition and the impacts they could have on the society.

October 2023 - Conference on energy demand reduction

On 26th October 2023 the JP e3s, under coordination of Sub-Programme 1, organized the conference "Fostering Changes in energy consuption: a pathway to demand reduction" in Padova (Italy). The event represented a starting point to stimulate a scientific and interdisciplinary discussion about energy demand reduction, that will culminate in the writing and publication of a White Paper on the topic in summer 2024. The Conference was structured in 3 main sessions, corresponding to three different, but complementary, ways of addressing energy demand reduction. Here below are the presentations of each session:

Keynote speeches:

Behavioural change:

Energy Efficiency:

Energy Sufficiency:


June 2023 - Joint Workshop on non-technical factors for Energy Storage deployment

On 16th June 2023 the EERA Joint Programme e3s and Joint Programme Energy Storage co-organized the workshop "Energy for the future: exploring non-technical factors for Energy Storage deployment". The event contributed  to build a multidisciplinary bridge through the promotion of a concrete dialogue and practical exchange of knowledge, information and perspectives among the members of the two EERA Joint Programmes Energy Storage and e3s-clean Energy tranSition for Sustainable Society. In addition to a comprehensive, although synthetic, reciprocal update about the state of the art on the most promising energy storage (ES) technologies, with a specific focus on hydrogen and its storage potential, and the most widely diffused social, legal and economic widely recognized factors affecting RES technologies development at the different scales of  the energy system (EU, national, regional and local), the participants have been engaged in a structured discussion aimed at identifying the main challenges and explore possible ES solutions to be diffused in the EU energy system.


May 2023 - JP e3s Scientific Conference

On 24th May 2023 the JP e3s members met in Helsiki to discuss about the topics addressed by each Sub-Programme and define/identify future related activities. The main results of the scientific conference have been collected in a document that can be downloaded and consulted here. Moreover, you can find each SPs presentation here below: