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Documents 03 August 2023

JP e3s SRIA booklet

JP e3s produced a shorter and easy-to-read verison of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the period 2023-2030. It is available here.

The full and complete version is available here.

In light of the rapid structural and policy changes primarily caused by the increasing pressure of climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic crisis and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in early 2022 JP e3s began a repositioning process that, while keeping its original ambitions unchanged, led to an update of its main focuses, activities and objectives. This process resulted in a new Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the period 2023-2030 which aims at repositioning the JP e3s for what concerns the provision of knowledge, expertise and research on the non-technical aspects of the Energy Transition that can be identified as the Social Sciences, Humanities and Environmental (SSH-E) domain. In short, the ambition of the SRIA is to match the SSH-E competences' demand and supply as much as possible in order to support a just, sustainable and effective Clean Energy Transition (CET).